📇 Indexer
Query Examples
This doc will teach you how to query TONCO analytics by writing GraphQL queries on the subgraph.
Explorer page: https://indexer.tonco.io
GraphQL endpoint: https://indexer.tonco.io
Global Data
An example querying total pool count, transaction count, and total volume in USD and TON for 2 days. Same way you can query historical data.
Pool Data
To get data about a certain pool, pass in the pool address. Reference the full pool schema and adjust the query fields to retrieve the data points you want.
All Possible Pools
The query below returns the fee, spot price and liquidity for all pools
Specific Pool Query
The query below returns the fee, spot price and liquidity for the TON-USDT pool.
Most Liquid Pools
Retrieve the top 10 most liquid pools. You can use this similar set up to orderBy other variables.
Swap Data
General Swap Data
To query data about a particular swap, input the transaction hash
Recent Swaps Within a Pool
You can set the where field to filter swap data by pool address. This example fetches data about multiple swaps for the TON-USDT pool, ordered by time.
Jetton Data
Input the jetton contract address to fetch jetton data. Any jetton that exists in at least one TONCO pool can be queried. The output will aggregate data across all pools that include the jetton.
General Jetton Data
This queries the decimals, symbol, name and volume in USD for the USDT token.
Jetton Daily Aggregated
You can fetch aggregate data about a specific token over a 24-hour period. This query gets 10-days of the 24-hour volume data for the TONCO token ordered from oldest to newest.
All Jettons
Position Data
General Position Data
To get data about a specific position, input the NFT ID in the "tokenId:poolAddress" format. This queries the collected fees for token0 and token1 and current liquidity for the position with tokedId 502 in TON-USDT pool.