GraphQL Schema

Basic Entiies

Jetton Entity

    type Jetton {
        "Raw address of the jetton on the blockchain"
        address: String!
        "Bounceable address of the jetton on the blockchain"
        bounceableAddress: String!
        "Jetton symbol"
        symbol: String!
        "Jetton name"
        name: String!
        "Jetton decimals"
        decimals: Int!
        "Jetton image"
        image: String!
        "Jetton description"
        description: String!
        "Jetton wallet"
        wallet: String!
        "Jetton total supply across all pools that include this token"
        totalSupply: Float!
        "Transactions across all pools that include this token"
        txCount: Int!
        "Jetton volume across all pools that include this token in token units"
        volume: Float!
        "Jetton volume across all pools that include this token in USD"
        volumeUsd: Float!
        "Jetton fees across all pools that include this token in USD"
        feesUsd: Float!
        "Jetton TVL across all pools that include this token"
        totalValueLocked: Float!
        "Jetton TVL across all pools that include this token in USD"
        totalValueLockedUsd: Float!
        "Jetton price derived in TON"
        derivedTon: Float!
        "Jetton price derived in USD"
        derivedUsd: Float!

Pool Entity

    type Pool {
        "Raw address of the pool on the blockchain"
        address: String!
        "Pool name"
        name: String!
        "Pool internal ID"
        id: String!
        "Pool all time positions count"
        positionsCount: Int!
        "Pool Jetton 0"
        jetton0: Jetton!
        "Pool Jetton 1"
        jetton1: Jetton!
        "Pool creation unix"
        creationUnix: Int!
        "Pool admin address"
        adminAddress: String!
        "Pool last update time"
        lastUpdateTime: Date!
        "Was pool initialized"
        isInitialized: Boolean!
        "Pool last update unix"
        unix: Date!
        "Pool address"
        poolInfo: String!
        "Fee amount, where 1 = 0.001%"
        fee: Int!
        "In range liquidity"
        liquidity: String!
        "Current tick"
        tick: Int!
        "Pool tick spacing"
        tickSpacing: Int!
        "Pool current tick"
        priceSqrt: String!
        "Pool current APR"
        apr: Float
        "Tracker for global fee growth"
        feeGrowthGlobal0X128: String!
        "Tracker for global fee growth"
        feeGrowthGlobal1X128: String!
        "Jetton 0 per token1"
        jetton0Price: Float!
        "Jetton 1 per token0"
        jetton1Price: Float!
        "All time Jetton 0 swapped"
        volumeJetton0: Float!
        "All time Jetton 1 swapped"
        volumeJetton1: Float!
        "All time Jetton 0 fees generated"
        feesJetton0: Float!
        "All time Jetton 1 fees generated"
        feesJetton1: Float!
        "All time volume in USD"
        volumeUsd: Float!
        "All time fees generated in USD"
        feesUsd: Float!
        "24H Volume"
        volume24HUsd: Float!
        "24H generated fees"
        fees24HUsd: Float!
        "48H Volume"
        volume48HUsd: Float!
        "48H generated fees"
        fees48HUsd: Float!
        "All time transactions count"
        txCount: Int!
        "All time Jetton 0 collected fees"
        collectedFeesJetton0: Float!
        "All time Jetton 1 collected fees"
        collectedFeesJetton1: Float!
        "All time collected fees in USD"
        collectedFeesUsd: Float!
        "All time Jetton 0 TVL"
        totalValueLockedJetton0: Float!
        "All time Jetton 1 TVL"
        totalValueLockedJetton1: Float!
        "All time TVL in USD"
        totalValueLockedUsd: Float!
        "All time TVL in Ton"
        totalValueLockedTon: Float!

Position Entity

    type Position {
        "Position ID <position index in pool>:<pool adddress>"
        id: String!
        "Position owner"
        owner: String!
        "Position pool address"
        pool: String!
        "Position Jetton 0 entity"
        jetton0: Jetton!
        "Position Jetton 1 entity"
        jetton1: Jetton!
        "Position tick lower"
        tickLower: Int!
        "Position tick upper"
        tickUpper: Int!
        "Position current liquidity"
        liquidity: String!
        "Position current Jetton 0 amount"
        amount0: String!
        "Position current Jetton 1 amount"
        amount1: String!
        "Position initially deposited Jetton 0"
        depositedJetton0: String!
        "Position initially deposited Jetton 1"
        depositedJetton1: String!
        "Position all time withdrawn Jetton 0"
        withdrawnJetton0: String!
        "Position all time withdrawn Jetton 1"
        withdrawnJetton1: String!
        "Position all time collected Jetton 0"
        collectedJetton0: String!
        "Position all time collected Jetton 1"
        collectedJetton1: String!
        "Position all time collected fees in Jetton 0"
        collectedFeesJetton0: String!
        "Position all time collected fees in Jetton 1"
        collectedFeesJetton1: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside0LastX128: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside1LastX128: String!
        "NFT address in blockchain"
        nftAddress: String!
        "NFT image"
        nftImage: String!
        "Was position migrated from Stonfi or Dedust or no"
        migratedFrom: String

Historical Data Entities

Historical DEX Data Entity

    type DexData {
        "Record time"
        time: Date!
        "Pool count at given time"
        poolCount: Int!
        "Transaction count at given time"
        txCount: Int!
        "All time volume in USD at given time"
        totalVolumeUsd: Float!
        "All time volume in TON at given time"
        totalVolumeTon: Float!
        "All time fees in USD at given time"
        totalFeesUsd: Float!
        "All time fees in TON at given time"
        totalFeesTon: Float!
        "TVL across all pools in USD at given time"
        totalValueLockedUsd: Float!
        "TVL across all pools in TON at given time"
        totalValueLockedTon: Float!
        "TON price in USD at given time"
        tonPriceUsd: Float!

Historical Jetton Data Entity

    type JettonData {
        "Record time"
        time: Date!
        "Jetton address in blockchain"
        jettonInfo: String!
        "Jetton total supply at given time"
        totalSupply: Float!
        "Jetton transactions count at given time"
        txCount: Int!
        "Jetton all time volume in jetton units at given time"
        volume: Float!
        "Jetton all time volume in USD at given time"
        volumeUsd: Float!
        "Jetton all time generated fees in USD at given time"
        feesUsd: Float!
        "Jetton TVL in jetton units at given time"
        totalValueLocked: Float!
        "Jetton TVL in USD at given time"
        totalValueLockedUsd: Float!
        "Jetton derived TON at given time"
        derivedTon: Float!
        "Jetton derived USD at given time"
        derivedUsd: Float!

Historical Pool Data Entity

    type PoolData {
        "Record time"
        unix: Date!
        "Pool address in blockchain"
        poolInfo: String!
        "Pool internal ID"
        id: String!
        "Pool positions count at given time"
        positionsCount: Int!
        "Pool all time fees at given time"
        fee: Int!
        "Pool in range liquidity at given time"
        liquidity: String!
        "Pool tick at given time"
        tick: Int!
        "Pool tick spacing at given time"
        tickSpacing: Int!
        "Pool price at given time"
        priceSqrt: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthGlobal0X128: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthGlobal1X128: String!
        "Jetton 0 per token1 at given time"
        jetton0Price: Float!
        "Jetton 1 per token0 at given time"
        jetton1Price: Float!
        "All time Jetton 0 swapped at given time"
        volumeJetton0: Float!
        "All time Jetton 1 swapped at given time"
        volumeJetton1: Float!
        "All time Jetton 0 fees generated at given time"
        feesJetton0: Float!
        "All time Jetton 1 fees generated at given time"
        feesJetton1: Float!
        "Pool all time volume in USD at given time"
        volumeUsd: Float!
        "Pool all time fees generated in USD at given time"
        feesUsd: Float!
        "Pool all time transacitions count at given time"
        txCount: Int!
        "All time Jetton 0 collected fees at given time"
        collectedFeesJetton0: Float!
        "All time Jetton 1 collected fees at given time"
        collectedFeesJetton1: Float!
        "All time collected fees in USD at given time"
        collectedFeesUsd: Float!
        "Jetton 0 TVL at given time"
        totalValueLockedJetton0: Float!
        "Jetton 1 TVL at given time"
        totalValueLockedJetton1: Float!
        "Pool TVL in USD at given time"
        totalValueLockedUsd: Float!
        "Pool TVL in TON at given time"
        totalValueLockedTon: Float!
        "Pool APR at given time"
        apr: Float!

Historical Position Data Entity

    type PositionData {
        "Record time"
        time: Date!
        "Position ID"
        positionInfo: Int!
        "Position tick lower"
        tickLower: Int!
        "Position tick upper"
        tickUpper: Int!
        "Position liquidity at given time"
        liquidity: String!
        "Position initially deposited jetton 0 amount"
        depositedJetton0: String!
        "Position initially deposited jetton 1 amount"
        depositedJetton1: String!
        "Position withdrawn jetton 0 amount at given time"
        withdrawnJetton0: String!
        "Position withdrawn jetton 1 amount at given time"
        withdrawnJetton1: String!
        "Position collected jetton 0 amount at given time"
        collectedJetton0: String!
        "Position collected jetton 1 amount at given time"
        collectedJetton1: String!
        "Position collected fees jetton 0 amount at given time"
        collectedFeesJetton0: String!
        "Position collected fees jetton 1 amount at given time"
        collectedFeesJetton1: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside0LastX128: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside1LastX128: String!
        "Position TVL jetton 0 at given time" 
        totalValueLockedJetton0: Float!
        "Position TVL jetton 1 at given time"
        totalValueLockedJetton1: Float!

Transaction Entities

Swap Transaction Enitity

    type Swap {
        "Transaction unix time"
        time: Date!
        "Transaction hash"
        hash: String!
        "Swap pool entity"
        pool: Pool!
        "Swap recipient address"
        to: String!
        "Swap sender address"
        from: String!
        "Swap input amount"
        amount: Float!
        "Swap price value"
        sqrtPriceLimitX96: String!
        "Jetton 0 entity"
        jetton0: Jetton!
        "Jetton 0 to refund"
        toRefund0: String!
        "Jetton 1 entity"
        jetton1: Jetton!
        "Jetton 1 to refund"
        toRefund1: String!
        "Is swap being Jetton 0 to Jetton 1 or Jetton 1 to Jetton 0"
        isZeroToOne: Boolean!

Mint Transaction Entity

    type Mint {
        "Transaction unix time"
        time: Date!
        "Transaction hash"
        hash: String!
        "Mint pool entity"
        pool: Pool!
        "Mint Jetton 0 amount"
        amount0: String!
        "Mint Jetton 1 amount"
        amount1: String!
        "NFT position recipient"
        recipient: String!
        "Position liquidity"
        liquidity: String!
        "Position tick lower"
        tickLower: Int!
        "Position tick upper"
        tickUpper: Int!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside0X128: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside1X128: String!

Burn Transaction Entity

    type Burn {
        "Transaction hash"
        hash: String!
        "Transaction unix time"
        time: Date!
        "Burn pool entity"
        pool: Pool!
        "Burn jettons recipient"
        recipient: String!
        "Position ID to burn"
        positionId: Int!
        "Position current liquidity"
        liquidity: String!
        "Position tick lower"
        tickLower: Int!
        "Position tick upper"
        tickUpper: Int!
        "Position liquidity to burn"
        liquidity2Burn: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside0LastX128: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside1LastX128: String!
        "Burn Jetton 0 amount"
        amount0: String!
        "Burn Jetton 1 amount"
        amount1: String!

Collect Transaction Entity

    type Collect {
        "Transaction hash"
        hash: String!
        "Transaction unix time"
        time: Date!
        "Collect pool entity"
        pool: Pool!
        "Collect jettons recipient"
        recipient: String!
        "Position ID"
        positionId: Int!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside0LastX128: String!
        "Var needed for fee computation"
        feeGrowthInside1LastX128: String!
        "Collect Jetton 0 amount"
        amount0: String!
        "Collect Jetton 1 amount"
        amount1: String!

Last updated